放假真好:看晕过去两次 摄影调度挺牛的 多少有点自嗨了
逸尘向天:戒酒宣传片影片主要是为了扭转观众的一种印象:酒鬼是无可救药的酒鬼会为了自身的欲望去挑战规则和底线但他们同时也是受害者我记得读过一个戒酒的相关知识:首先要让酒鬼意识到酒精依赖靠自己是不可战胜的华宇乐悠游才能有效的帮助他们 P.S.周围如果有这种酒鬼除非是亲密关系建议离得越远越好
泰坦尼娅: don't care what other ppl say about the show i just frigging love it like all of that shit happened to me once and i'm not gonna have it happen again
: 手术太凶残了好吗《华宇乐悠游》简直弱爆 -
枢殿: you lose your money, you lose nothing When you lose your health, you lose something When you lose your character, you lose everything